Salt & Light For Work & Life


Because He loves us

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).

I choose NOT to watch the news.

In today's society with social media and on demand everything, I decided that if something urgent was to happen...I would hear about it no matter how I try to insulate from it. Today's CNN - constantly negative news, exploits our emotions and is so polarized that very little information is truly constructive or informative. 

It's true - Earl Nightingale once said, 

  1. We become what think about. 
  2. We become who we hang around.
  3. We become what we read and watch.

I choose God's word. 

It's my only plumb line. 

My only barometer. 

My only truth. 


Righteous are you, O Lord,

when I complain to you;

yet I would plead my case before you.

Why does the way of the wicked prosper?

Why do all who are treacherous thrive?

You plant them, and they take root;

they grow and produce fruit;

you are near in their mouth

and far from their heart.

But you, O Lord, know me;

you see me, and test my heart toward you.

Pull them out like sheep for the slaughter,

and set them apart for the day of slaughter.

How long will the land mourn

and the grass of every field wither?

For the evil of those who dwell in it

the beasts and the birds are swept away,

because they said, “He will not see our latter end.” (Jeremiah 12:1-4).


Jeremiah was bringing his complaint before the Lord. What are you waiting for Lord? Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people? Why do they have blessings while we - your chosen, perish? I can hear his aching heart in these words. I understand because I have been there. 

On the other hand, it's a fine line to walk. We must be careful not to make assumptions about others lives. It's such an easy habit to fall into. For example, "that person just got lucky".  Or that person "got life handed to them on a silver platter at birth". Or "Why do they always have good things happen and I just get the leftovers?"

I've done it.

People can often resonate more with the struggles than they can the victories. It's easier to relate to the struggle because we've all had struggles. Yet, not all have seen the victory yet. 

It's an easy habit because it never calls us out personally. Blame and jealousy never hold us accountable. They never push us out of our comfort zones. Therefore, God often allows calamity to push us out of our complacency. He allows it because He loves us. He knows we are from dust and that we are His workmanship. He will bring it (us) to completion on that Day. What is He calling you to? 

A new job?

A new opportunity? 

A new bible study?

A new relationship?

Keep your eyes and ears open to His voice. You will know...


I choose real friends who are looking out for my best without criticism, jealousy, or resentment. I seek constructive feedback, truth shared in love. Unconditional love. There's not many of those available in each persons life to choose from, but God has blessed me with a few. Those who were there for me before the victories - in the trenches of life. They still are today. They ask nothing in return but the same love and respect in good times and bad. I am forever grateful. You know who you are. 


Again, I don't watch the news. I am normally very careful about what I allow in my head. Unfortunately, it's very clear when I start getting sloppy about this practice. When I'm casual and sloppy about this area, confusion, moodiness, and poor attitude are close at hand as well.  It's not pretty and I hate to say - it still happens today. Thankfully, much less often than years past. Be careful what you allow into your head through what you watch and read. 

Bottom line? 

What we fill our lives with, we consume our lives with with. Take intentional care of your mind and close perimeter of your life. 

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..." (Proverbs 23:7a KJV) 

My prayer for us all today. Be careful who and what you allow to hold power in your life. Friends, colleagues, world news, books, television, etc. These can all be innocent and even good when screened properly through the filter and truth of God's Word. But, we must all be scrupulous and intentional because the enemy is. 

"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8).

Ask for discernment. 

He'll show you. 

It's in Jesus righteous and powerful name, I share these thoughts and prayers, amen.