Salt & Light For Work & Life


Calm and Peace

Before they call I will answer;
while they are yet speaking I will hear
(Isaiah 65:24).
These are such busy days.
I find myself blinking and the day has already gone by. The whirr of phone calls, dings of text messages, and chaos of chaperoning kids from here to there in the heat of the summer. I can hardly believe it's almost time to get back in the structured schedule of school in a few short weeks.
Isn't that how life is? As I look back on the last 10, 20, 30 years I can hardly believe how quickly time has gone. Hardly anything that I worried about back then has ever happened. And things I could never have predicted, has happened. How easily I forget. 
Therefore, when I look ahead at the weeks, months, and years to come - it's easy to find myself anxious trying to make decisions, set goals, and make commitments. Ahhhh! Life can be so overwhelming at times. 
But You. You my Lord give me calm and peace. As I take the time to sit quietly with you, You remind me, "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." 
Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for hearing my prayers while I am yet still speaking. I release all my plans to You - the only One who brings favor and success. May You alone be glorified in my life and deeds. It's in Jesus powerful name I pray these things, amen.

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