The hand of the Lord is powerful

The hand of the Lord is powerful

I took courage, for the hand of the Lord my God was on me...(Ezra 7:28b).

All throughout the Bible prophets, leaders and priests, declared this truth. "I took courage for the hand of the Lord my God was on me..." What a magnificent and beautiful statement. But how easy it is to forget. Most of the times I remember this truth, POST-scary or fearful event/experience. But in the case of Ezra and many other biblical characters, they took courage BEFORE the scary or fearful event/experience. What's the difference? 

1. Victory as they walk INTO the experience with faith and courage;

2. More glory to God as they walk OUT of the experience with increased faith. 

So how does one take courage? For me, the more time I spend in God's word before I start my days the more courageously I walk. I am reminded of a few things while walking through these 66 books. It's truly a love letter penned by the Spirit of God, through these men, as an example to me. I can live by faith. I can live courageously. I can live a victorious life when my heart and mind remember that He is always wth me and will never leave me or forsake me. They dealt with as many, or more challenges, as I do in my life.  And yet they remembered and overcame. 

I challenge you to try it for yourself. Read through the Bible following a simple one year plan laid out by your favorite Bible-teaching church. You'll be surprised at the peace it offers your heart and mind each day before you go out into the world. "Take courage for the hand of the Lord your God is upon you." God bless. 

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